Mailinator Test Lab

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Mailinator For Testing – new API to Fetch Links

Mailinator has always been an excellent tool for testing your system’s emails. It allows customers to instantly have an infinite number of Private Inboxes which they can access via Web, API, or via Mailinator’s Rule System. One of the primary use cases for that is the “click the links” in those emails to close the [...]

Announcing Our New JavaScript REST API Client

Our new JavaScript REST API client is now available for use in your applications. It is built on Microsoft’s Typed REST Client with unit tests included. All the code as well as usage examples to get this up and running in your application can be found at the following location: For more information about the features of [...]

Send Your (Twilio) Webhooks to Mailinator

(or any webhooks really) Send Your Webhooks to Public Mailinator You can now direct JSON webhooks from anywhere to Mailinator has always been known for email, but has actually supported SMS for several years. Mailinator now allows anyone to post their webhooks directly into the Public (i.e., FREE) Mailinator system. Messages that arrive this [...]